again, big gap.
what I've been up to...
swimming in the sea
getting offensive henna tattoes
doing minimal amounts of yoga
meeting someone who thinks they knew me in a past life...(more on that to come)
getting progressively more sick (physically)
enjoying thalis
trying to work with my 50p haircut
getting broody (too many cute kids - you get the picture)
looking at the stars quite a lot
structuring my days around food
listening to a lot of amateur musicians ( can be good, can be bad, sometimes gets a bit much like when they bust out redemption song in a squeaky voice and everyone goes all misty eyed. yuck.)
considering my future (heavy)
realising getting a job I'll actually like in London is going to be a tricky business
ultimately thinking travelling the world for three years has been pretty great, really...
what I've been up to...
swimming in the sea
getting offensive henna tattoes
doing minimal amounts of yoga
meeting someone who thinks they knew me in a past life...(more on that to come)
getting progressively more sick (physically)
enjoying thalis
trying to work with my 50p haircut
getting broody (too many cute kids - you get the picture)
looking at the stars quite a lot
structuring my days around food
listening to a lot of amateur musicians ( can be good, can be bad, sometimes gets a bit much like when they bust out redemption song in a squeaky voice and everyone goes all misty eyed. yuck.)
considering my future (heavy)
realising getting a job I'll actually like in London is going to be a tricky business
ultimately thinking travelling the world for three years has been pretty great, really...