Monday, 10 September 2007

Fun dinner table conversation

'If someone said to you - "either you eat this steak or I'm going to kill this cow"
Which would you do?'

I would fall off my chair with boredom, that's what.

Among the other annoying things people have pointed out to me regarding my vegetarianism in the last few months -
"You know if you lived in a less priveleged society this choice wouldn't be open to you."
(admittedly more intelligent than the steak dilemma, but I'd like to point out to these people that neither would we be able to, erm, have a mobile phone, stuff our faces with junk food or afford regular air travel. Yet all of these are things we do. Also, has the old economic argument passed these people by? It costs less in so many ways to grow crops than to raise livestock. It would be better for all if western people weren't such irrational meat guzzling cretins.)

"You know, it's really tough to be vegetarian in lots of countries."
(No shit, Sherlock)

I think one of the daftest ever was an American in South Korea - "So, when are you going to crack and just eat some meat?" (You can be sure that when I do and my stomach rejects it, I'll try and heave in your direction)

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