Tuesday 11 September 2007

sartorial catharsis - a rite of passage for a woman in her twenties.

I've been instructed by my parents to sort out all the clothes of mine their storing in their house. When I say instructed, it was more of a large hint in the form of all the offending items being placed next to my bed in binliners.
At this precise moment they are spread all over the garden in categories -
old underwear I forgot I had
fancy tops
winter stuff (hats, scarves, coats - including my brilliant fake fur leopard print jacket)
socks without holes
socks with holes but with too much charm and history to be thrown away
bangles (good word, that)
scraps of old material that I might make something out of one day.
Actually, rereading the list I do have some sympathy with my parents. Especially since some of this stuff I've had since I was 12. And I'm now 25.

I do have an entire binliner full for the local charity shop. And considering that I keep socks with holes in them, the selection which is being thrown away may not be all that desirable.
But it is fun to find stuff you'd forgotten about - I am now wearing an old fifties swimming costume and a skirt which I've justified keeping on the grounds that if I ever go to the Rocky Horror Show, I'll have something to wear...

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