Thursday, 11 October 2007

feeling a bit colonial

ok, big gap, lots to say.
After sweltering the the dusty heat of Rajasthan we fancied heading to a hill station and are currently in a place called Mussourie. Remnants of British occupation are strangely evident here. Also it gets genuinely cold at night. So cold we even have blankets on our bed instead of the usual, erm, nothing (usually just sleep under a sarong). So when we arrived at our hotel, I really felt like we were in Scotland an impression reinforced by the tartan everywhere.
In the rest of India I haven't been aware of anyone being Christian (although a small section of the population are), but in Mussourie, it's all going on, they have methodist churches and looking from the window of our hotel we see school children doing army marches in their playground and singing hymns. And it all just feels like it must be a slightly strange leftover thing from the British. There is some evidence of it in the architecture too, and the emphasis on keeping the place unbelievably clean (again something I haven't seen elsewhere, the usual rubbish disposal method seems to be 'just throw it out the window'). Nowadays this is a tourist resort for Indian tourists more than for backpackers, and it has a really retro feel about it which I like a lot.
This also seems to be the land that fashion forgot. We were hoping to buy some warmer clothing up here, but it's proving tricky due to the fact that the shops have clearly experienced some kind of hostile 80s jumper invasion. I've spent a good deal of time looking at these and pondering whether they are indeed 'so bad they're good' but am reaching the conclusion that they're 'just bad'. It's bizarre, because the more traditional blankets and jackets, and the stuff they import from Nepal and Tibet is really gorgeous.
So we're going to spend a couple more days up here, tomorrow we're going on a 'day trip' which I am intrigued by! Next week we're heading to Goa for a bit of sun, sea and sand. It's looking like we could be there for a while, and I am really looking forward to it!

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